Mission Statement
The MS in Financial Analytics (MSFA) degree provides students with a broad understanding of the functional areas of finance and the analytical techniques used in the finance industry. Successful graduates will attain the quantitative and qualitative skills necessary for a successful career in the finance industry.
Learning Goals
Successful graduates of the MSFA program will demonstrate:
- An understanding of the interrelationships between the theoretical and functional areas of finance
- The ability to analyze complex financial data and apply quantitative techniques to financial decision-making processes
- The ability to effectively communicate economic and financial information to stakeholders
- A commitment to ethical and socially responsible behavior in financial markets
Learning Outcomes
By completion of the MSFA degree, students will be able to:
- Analyze and interpret common economic and financial data
- Use statistical techniques to forecast economic and firm performance
- Apply quantitative methods to analyze complex financial problems, including the analysis of large data sets
- Analyze and value investment portfolios and common financial instruments
- Analyze and value common alternative investments
- Quantify financial risk and uncertainty and apply common risk management techniques
- Incorporate social and ethical concerns into financial decision-making