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We Can Use AI to Prepare Students for Jobs of the Future

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been in the news as an enabler of cheating and a potential destroyer of jobs and human creativity. But University of La Verne College of Business management professors Dr. Teresa Martinelli and Dr. Christine Jagannathan remind us that technology is a tool, which can be used for good. Writing in AACSB Insights, Martinelli and Jagannathan outline ways for business schools to give faculty more options for teaching, and to prepare students to stay ahead in a shifting job market. To train faculty, schools can provide workshops, stipends, and other resources to help them learn about AI. They can also encourage faculty to collaborate on research projects and share information about how they are using AI in the classroom. To revamp the curriculum, schools can infuse all business courses with a combination of technical skills and essential competencies. This includes teaching students about the basics of machine learning, blockchain, data analytics, and automation, as well as how these technologies work and how they can be applied in different industries. To partner with other organizations, schools can work with tech companies on joint research projects, internship and work placement programs, and conferences. They can also collaborate with other universities or academic departments to expand their knowledge of AI and other disruptive technologies. The mission of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) is to foster engagement, accelerate innovation, and amplify impact in business education. The University of La Verne has been a member of the AACSB since 1993. Teresa Martinelli, Christine Jagannathan 2023. Disruptive Technology and the Future of Work, in AACSB Insights.