To Improve Policing, Change Assessment

At the 2023 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Annual Meeting in April, University of La Verne Management professor Dr. William Luse chaired a symposium titled “Considerations for Fair and Valid Talent Assessment in Policing.” The proper selection and training of police officers is key to equitable policing outcomes. Professor Ben Goldstein from Baruch College CUNY, Professor James Houston from Middle Tennessee State University, and Jenn Reineer, PhD from Research Triangle Instiutute International presented research offering methods for researchers and practitioners to rethink police selection and promotion processes. Research-based recommendations included working memory tasks to help select better candidates, fair promotion evaluations to reduce police officer stress, and alternative forms of assessment for personnel selection including personality and biodata tests .
Poor alignment between assessment methods and the tasks that officers actually are required perform on the job can lead to reduced job performance and other negative outcomes.
SIOP is the premier professional association for the science and practice of I-O psychology.