La Verne Business Student Featured in Rankings Story

Spectrum News has posted a video about the University of La Verne’s #33 nationwide ranking in the Wall Street Journal. In the video, business student Mai Anh Gorin shares her experience with the La Verne College of Business signature Integrated Business Curriculum.
Unlike a typical entrepreneurship course or business plan competition, the Integrated Business Program holistically connects finance, management, and marketing into a 16-unit course block during one semester of students’ sophomore or junior year. Students apply their integrated business skills by forming a company, determining the target market and product, developing a business plan, seeking a loan from a bank, and selling their product throughout the semester. All proceeds are donated to charity.
“You have to pitch a business pitch to bankers so you can get a credit line and then you have to sell to customers,” Gorin says. Running a program like this requires sustained effort and considerable time from faculty and staff. Faculty members, a student advisor, and the College of Business O’Brien Career Center staff aid students through this rigorous and exciting semester. It is this kind of personalized curriculum that has a positive effect on students’ learning and life outcomes.
Learn more about the Integrated Business Curriculum HERE
Watch the video HERE