A rewarding education starts with experienced faculty who care about their students’ success and class sizes that enable students to connect with their classmates and professors. Our classes are taught by experienced faculty, not graduate students or teaching assistants. Getting to know your professors, and having comfort in seeking their input on projects or talking through lessons is a key part of getting the most out of your education.
A Community of Educators, Practitioners, and Scholars
Our more than 50 full-time and more than 100 part-time faculty are scholars, authors, published researchers, professional organization leaders, and mentors to their students. Their collective academic, educational, government, and industry experience enriches our students, their employers, and our community.
- Fulbright specialists: Robert Barret, Issam Ghazzawi, Astrid Keel, Louise Kelly
- Accolades: BK Lee awarded Literati Award from Emerald Publishing in 2020
- Research published in top-tier peer-reviewed journals: Decision Support Systems, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of International Economics, and Journal of Strategic Marketing
- Editorial Review and Peer Review Boards: Information Technology and Management Journal, International Journal of Business Analytics, International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, Journal of College Teaching and Learning, Journal of Educators Online, Journal of Family Business Management, Journal of Information Technology Education, Journal of International Education Research, Journal of Management Research Business Management and Strategy, Marketing Education Review, Psychology & Marketing, and Research in Business & Management Journal
Our distinguished faculty members belong to one of the three Departments: the Department of Business Sciences and Economics chaired by Dr. Adham Chehab; the Department of Management and Leadership chaired by Dr. Issam Ghazzawi; and the Department of Marketing and Law chaired by Dr. Robert Barrett.
In addition to their Department Chair responsibilities, Dr. Chehab manages the BA/BS Accounting and BS Economics Programs and Dr. Ghazzawi manages the BA/BS Business Administration and BS Organizational Management Programs. For information about Directors of graduate/doctoral programs, please see the graduate programs pages.
Meet our Faculty
Name and Title | Phone | |
Robert Barrett Esq. Professor, Law & Business |
(909) 448-4468 | rbarrett@laverne.edu |
Dr. Suzanne Beaumaster Associate Provost, Academic Programs |
(909) 448-4174 | sbeaumaster@laverne.edu |
Dr. Mehdi Beheshtian-Ardakani Professor, Information Technology & Decision Sciences |
(909) 448-4090 | mbeheshtian@laverne.edu |
Dr. Yingxia Cao Professor, Decision Sciences |
(909) 448-4584 | ycao@laverne.edu |
Dr. Adham Chehab Professor, Finance |
(909) 448-4037 | achehab@laverne.edu |
Caroline Chizever Esq. Professor, Law & Business |
(818) 295-6509 | cchizever@laverne.edu |
Yeri Cho Associate Professor, Management |
(909) 448-4740 | ycho@laverne.edu |
Dr. Douglas Chun Associate Professor, Management |
(909) 448-4132 | dchun@laverne.edu |
Dr. Ali Dehghan Associate Professor, IT & Business Analytics |
(909) 448-4094 | adehghan@laverne.edu |
Dr. Loren Dyck Professor, Management |
(909) 448-4785 | ldyck@laverne.edu |
Dr. Frank Fialho Professor of Practice, Marketing |
(909) 448-1513 | ffialho@laverne.edu |
Dr. Fengmei Gong Associate Professor, Operations & Information Technology |
(909) 448-1588 | fgong@laverne.edu |
Rick Hasse Instructor, Accounting and Finance |
(626) 818-8652 | rhasse@laverne.edu |
Dr. Abe Helou Professor of Finance |
(909) 448-4455 | ihelou@laverne.edu |
Dr. William Hippler III Associate Professor, Finance |
(909) 448-1587 | whippler@laverne.edu |
Yan Hu Professor, Finance |
(909) 448-4741 | yhu@laverne.edu |
Dr. Ahmed Ispahani Professor, Business Administration & Economics |
(909) 448-4022 | aispahani@laverne.edu |
Christine Jagannathan Professor of Practice - Business Communication |
(909) 448-4144 | cjagannathan@laverne.edu |
Dr. Astrid Keel Professor, Marketing |
(909) 448-1585 | akeel@laverne.edu |
Dr. Louise Kelly Professor, Management |
(909) 448-4945 | lkelly@laverne.edu |
Dr. David Kung Professor, Information Technology & Decision Sciences |
(909) 448-4085 | dkung@laverne.edu |
Dr. Giacomo Laffranchini Ph.D. Professor, Management |
(909) 448-1589 | glaffranchini@laverne.edu |
Dr. Byungku Lee Associate Professor, Management |
(909) 448-4577 | blee2@laverne.edu |
Dr. Jonathan Lee Professor, Marketing |
(909) 448-4496 | jlee2@laverne.edu |
Dr. Ryan Lee Assistant Director of Honors |
rlee2@laverne.edu | |
Dr. Jeanny Liu Professor, Marketing |
(909) 448-4058 | jliu@laverne.edu |
Dr. William Luse Associate Professor, Business Management |
wluse@laverne.edu | |
Dr. Teresa Martinelli Professor of Practice - Management |
(909) 448-1529 | tmartinelli@laverne.edu |
Renee Miller Professor, Accounting |
(909) 448-4766 | rmiller@laverne.edu |
Dr. Yehia Mortagy Professor, Information Technology & Decision Sciences |
(909) 448-4556 | ymortagy@laverne.edu |
Claudio Munoz Professor, Accounting |
(909) 448-4018 | cmunoz@laverne.edu |
Dr. Deborah Olson Professor, Management & Leadership |
(909) 448-4579 | dolson2@laverne.edu |
Dr. Gonyung Park Professor, Economics & Finance |
(909) 448-4015 | gpark@laverne.edu |
Dr. Anwar Salimi Professor, Accounting |
(909) 448-1586 | asalimi@laverne.edu |
Dr. Yvonne Smith Professor, Management, Online |
ysmith@laverne.edu | |
Dr. An Tran Associate Professor, Marketing |
(909) 448-4083 | atran@laverne.edu |
Jose Valdovinos Instructor I, Accounting |
jvaldovinos@laverne.edu | |
Dr. Catherine Xiao Associate Professor, Finance |
(909) 448-4784 | cxiao@laverne.edu |
Dr. Janat Yousof Professor, Management |
(909) 448-4403 | jyousof@laverne.edu |
Dr. Tong Zeng Associate Professor, Economics |
(909) 448-4742 | tzeng@laverne.edu |
Dr. Zhen Zhang Associate Professor, Management |
(909) 448-4769 | zzhang@laverne.edu |
Dr. Hongnai Zhang Assistant Professor of Marketing |
(909) 448-4182 | hzhang@laverne.edu |
Name and Title | Phone | |
Joshua Botello Business Associate - SBDC |
(909) 448-1573 | jbotello@laverne.edu |
Paul Boychuk Director, Judge Edmond Emmett O’Brien and Muriel Faith Career Services Center |
(909) 448-4729 | pboychuk@laverne.edu |
Dr. Emmeline de Pillis Dean of College of Business |
(909) 448-4486 | edepillis@laverne.edu |
Kathy Duran Administrative Secretary II |
(909) 448-4474 | kduran@laverne.edu |
Marcy Galeazzi Administrative Assistant I |
(909) 448-4098 | mgaleazzi@laverne.edu |
Dr. Randa Jouzi Academic Advisor III & Associate Director MBA |
(909) 448-4007 | rjouzi@laverne.edu |
Dr. Michelle Kechichian Executive Director of Advising and Retention |
(909) 448-4005 | mkechichian@laverne.edu |
Wendy Lee Executive Assistant |
(909) 448-4450 | wlee@laverne.edu |
Dr. Ryan Lee Assistant Director of Honors |
rlee2@laverne.edu | |
Leanne Liu Senior Assessment Analyst |
(909) 448-4501 | lliu@laverne.edu |
Vanessa Lua Academic Advisor III |
(909) 448-4920 | vlua@laverne.edu |
Maria Mendoza Academic Advisor III |
(909) 448-4013 | mmendoza3@laverne.edu |
Dr. Keeok Park Associate Dean, College of Business |
(909) 448-4405 | kpark@laverne.edu |
Katelynn Phillips Acad Advisor I |
kphillips@laverne.edu | |
Margaret Reyna Administrative Assistant I |
(909) 448-4962 | mreyna2@laverne.edu |
Sean Snider Director, Small Business Development Center |
(909) 448-1556 | ssnider@laverne.edu |
Cheryl Walker College of Business Senior Operations Manager and Senior Adjunct Instructor |
(909) 448-4341 | cwalker@laverne.edu |
Alyssa WU Academic Advisor III |
(909) 448-4456 | zwu@laverne.edu |